Requires database changes. Will force you to log all terminals out.
- Ad hoc adjustment report. Reports cost variance (lastincost * adjustment). System now tracks precise lastincost at time of adjustment; but this info is only available after upgrade to this version. For reporting prior to this system will use lastincost at start of the month
- Stock - new tracking: keep discounts. If set then importing new master will will not override discounts on stock. Similar to keep header and keep retail price. On receive order if you select option set set daily or stock discount to reflect buy price then keep discounts flag is also automatically set. Means that if you negotiate additional discount with a supplier then recording of that information will not be lost when a new price file is imported.
- Suzuki catalog : on raw catalog data from PMP,hotspots are regularly duplicated. This change means importing Suzuki will be a bit faster and database storage required much less.
- Catalogs : in add/edit franchise is an option that allows you to turn off online access to cataloges for the selected franchise. Defaults to on.
- Select customer: include option to compliment F6 = search by phone. F7 = query search. Select customer based on things such as post code, contact name, etc etc.