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Release 4.622 April 29, 2016 barney

Includes database changes, you'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade

This version includes a significant new feature : detailed workshop scheduling.  Scheduling provides a proper calander like system for workshop service management tailored specifically for workshop servicing.


  • Track availability, normal hours, public holidays, breaks etc
  • Track specific staff availability, i.e. record annual leave and record non full time arrangements, i.e. tech X only works Mon-Thu.
  • Jobs seldom run on time with frequent overruns/underruns/cancellations etc.
    • Scheduler is fully adaptive/responsive and it will adjust on the fly. No need to drag jobs around to fill in the gaps created or wrangle overlaps
    • Automatically respond to jobs taking longer or shorter, automatically compressing jobs when things change or jobs overrun
    • Automatically provide visual alerts so that when job X overruns and impacts job Y's promise schedule
    • Ability to flag work as beginning from a certain date and time, i.e because we are waiting on parts, so don't always compress. Allow other jobs to automatically push in to fill any gaps created by waits.
  • Integration with workshop
    • Integrates into c9 clocking so tasks will automatically reflect clocking results in realtime
    • Changes to start date/effort on job card reflect on scheduler
  • User Interface design
    • Ability to track multiple tasks against a single job, even done by different techs. i.e. Tech A is doing rebuild while apprentice is fitting new brake pads
    • Drag and Drop design
    • calendar search

How to use

Setup - Default business hours

Goto workshop -> utilities -> Schedule Availability.  Here you add rules that define the schedule.  Rules apply from top down.  So lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00 overrides business hours rule before it, so between 12:00 and 13:00 it is non available time.


Setup - Track techs on your calendar

goto Workshop -> utilities -> Staff. Change setting 'Mechanic with regularly scheduled work' to access feature. Also here you can create customised avialability rules for the tech : these overlay ontop of default ones from above.


Action : scheduler

Access scheduler from Workshop -> scheduler. Some tips on how to use:

  • Left lists show time and techs and what is assigned to them
    • Double click on tasks to tweak them: change task details (time required) or the underlying workshop job
    • drag and drop tasks to move them around between techs
    • Delete tasks when you finish. Completed jobs will automatically delete tasks
    • Click on a task and click 'Clock' button in order to clock onto a job.
    • Use search at top to search  calendar
  • Resolution at top controls granularity of visibility. allowing you to see more but get a more cluttered screen
  • Right hand side contains all jobs in the system
    • organised to prioritise jobs that might need your attention (not assigned, or running over their promise date)
    • Drag jobs from this screen onto your calendar to place new tasks
    • Double click jobs to edit the jobs directly
