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Release 4.658 January 19, 2017 barney
  • Spares
    • Import Polaris EPC. Drop requirement to provide login credentials
    • Import Spide Parts images.  (Pending changes from spidi website owners)
    • Bug: Retain Supercession data feature added in last version worked on global level even though setting appears in edit franchise it actually incorrectly applies to all franchises in prior version. Fixed so it is franchise level setting. After updating you'll need to reapply setting to appropriate franchises.
    • NLA supercession filtering, increase field size to accomodate Yamaha's version of NLA (9999999999).
    • Cash refund : provide option to refund to customer as a deposit (i.e. store credit), saves time having to wrangle separate operations for this fairly common usage pattern
  • Workshop
    • Clocking : allow operator to modify labour line item description while clocking off existing job
    • New report: show jobs on hand and parts bolted to job as at a specific date (defaults to July 1 prior to date report is run). Something some accountants want if one considers parts bolted to a workshop job in progress as part of shop inventory
  •  Units
    • Show profit margin on following screens: View Unit, Modify unit and add sell unit
  • Other / Misc
    • Simple add image + description for website parts. Filter out non ascii characters to improve JSON API access and webpage rendering
    • Sync website orders.  Cope with non latin character set characters such as "Gjøvik".  Encoding of c9 database at this time cannot cope with extended character sets under all circumstasnces so such things can mess with c9's online backup processes.
    • Manage webcontent : implement more rigourous transliteration instead of just diacritic trimming, so either Gjøvik or Köln will asciify fine.
    • Manual backup: ignore temporary tables tmp_accntfilter and tmp_partsearch (temporary tables used to optimise filtered search results)