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Release 5.2.122 March 20, 2025 barney

Another regression defect in 5.2.120.  Receive spares goods in completely broken and unable to save result due to journal error.

Now fixed : 5.2 code was incorrectly using 'internal' tax code to model a spares goods in txn. Definition of 'internal' refined as part of 5.3 work and this broke this workflow. Reviewed all other code paths incase of other examples of this; confident goods in was only problem.

Release 5.2.121 March 13, 2025 barney

This version fixes a number of regression bugs introduced in last version of c9 earlier in week

  • Weekly planner. Ability to drag and drop lost. Loss is caused by some rough edges in our tooling where loss of drag/drop functionality can happen and we don't notice the change in our change management processes. Readded in a way that is less likely for same thing to happen again.
  • Edit Contact txn: if you edit any contact txn involving a tax code, like EXPENSE on a bill, but only make a trivial change like change reference only the change will fail to save with a journal error. Now fixed.
  • Add Txn: under some narrow circumstances the visual final balance & aged balances shown on screen will be incorrect, but txn will save correctly anyway with actual correct/expected figures all round. Include fix to visually show correct value. This bug is a bit older than Tuesday's update for 5.2.120
Release 5.2.120 March 7, 2025 barney

Includes Database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Tweaks and fixes

  • Add payment. Under some circumstances c9 will link to related txns multiple times with partial amounts depending on how the operator inputs the the payment. This is only obvious when go review linked txns or print an open style statement. Force c9 to rationalise links from payments to invoices so there is only one record instead of multiple
  • Deal. Colour code detailed notes button if there are any
  • New GL Codes
    • Equity - Issued Shares
    • Sales - Insurance payout
  • Planner. Show promise time as well as date
  • Workshop invoices:  suppress pricing broken on invoices since change to accommodate optional Ex gst pricing outputs
  • Browse Spares Deposits: make sure report includes any invoices which have open deposit even if they normally would not have any such attachment
  • magician checks
    • wasn't handling out of stock condition correctly. Fixed
    • Mcleods now working again
    • New Monza portal. Note : bulk image scraping is no longer feasible with new monza site. Also dealer website based checks are removed due to concerns about performance / result reliability

TxnEngine 6.0 : this version includes a heavily reworked tax / discount engine. Mostly these changes are intended for 5.3 and it is not expected they will be functionally obvious in 5.2 but documented for completeness.

Stihl E-Comm Report Export February 19, 2025 barney

For Stihl dealers to extract combined unit + spares stock a new custom miner report is added into c9.

To access, Miner -> load standard query. Select the report under 'Other supplier reports'.

Use F4 process query then F5 Export to save off CSV file which can then be shared with Stihl

Note for units, you need to make sure part numbers are assigned to the units. This will happen automatically if you receive stock electronically off Stihl PDF invoices. For those who do not receive this way you need to assign one at a time. Modify unit screen at top is part number where you select appropriate stihl franchise part no#:

C9 is working with Stihl to fully automate the extract as we automate for a number of different OEMs. More to come later.

Release 5.2.119 February 12, 2025 barney

Includes database changes , you need to close all terminals during update. Note this update can take a few minutes to apply.

Tweaks and fixes

  • Select job type : disallow deletions to job type from this screen. Delete can only be access via utilities -> job types.
  • F2 lookup part : now includes a slot to search for partial part number. e.g. find all part numbers with '629' somewhere in the part #.
  • Browse customer / select customer : display email addr.
  • Tillpay token /recurring txn : show 3DS result and disallow confirmation if 3DS result isn't successful. This in theory should never happen since tokens force 3DS to mandatory but added as an additional guard
  • Tillpay terminal : manual txn processing. Provide a slot for operator to input surcharge as advised by the terminal
  • Trading statement : disambiguate goods in transit / goods to invoice. Previously c9 assumed these are always spares and aggregated as such but not necessarily the case.
  • Setup : get rid of 'Not paid' setting on ":payments" tab. The setting is non functional, is is easily confused with similar setting (print Paid/on account) on the 'Spares' tab
  • Uncollected Rebate report : show invoice date
  • Units Miner query : allow querying of part number. Useful for dealing with P/E equipment , Stihl, Husky , Honda etc
  • Spares Credit note : if no parts to refund ask operator if they want to create refund anyway.  Previously would not let you proceed. Flex here is useful to tidyup up some web orders
  • SMS Sender ID : if you opt to use your own mobile # for SMS sent by c9 there is a new requirement to reverify number every 12 months.  Includes some changes to accommodate that (we will advise via email when it is due, you need to redo registration twice. Once to trigger c9 to remove old registration and once more to restart registration from scratch)
  • Browse Weborder screen : change naming of 'manual' button to make it more generic.
  • Stihl Magician : now working with their new B2B Portal

Privacy Statement

C9 invoices can now print with a privacy statement which is displayed more prominently on tax invoices compared to page footer fine print.  The text can be purposed for anything, not just privacy statements. Example output:

To configure goto setup -> other settings -> dealership details. New tab : privacy. Note this prints on all invoices : workshop , spares & unit sales.

Paypal / Tillpay processing

include a button to browse  all txns that currently compose 'Total applied so far' tally for payment clearing. From same screen you can forcefully add or remove apply amount, sinking it into either AR or Customer Deposit balance to create new ways to tidy up fiddly edge cases around web order handling.

Consider this completed txn, the amount we captured from till is 240.15, but we only invoiced 150.27

The browse button gives us access to what makes up that apply figure:

Normal solution would be to refund unused amount, but now we can apply additional funds from manually move aplied elsewhere button. Like so:

This drops the balance onto contact code as a deposit to be used later.


Release 5.2.118 January 8, 2025 barney

Tweaks and fixes

  • Pickup order / reserve where original order was flagged as tax exempt. C9 was not presetting pickup as tax exempt. This was also impacting auto invoice for overseas web orders.
  • Honda warranty export : add an option to export a default email if customer email is unknown, same as Stihl and Husky
  • Suzuki EPC API import : was broken with recent changes to try and improve reliability of importing where Suzuki server throttles back traffic.  Would fail to import new units. Now fixed
  • New GL expense code : Rental Outgoings.
  • bank rec : Generic Txn ,  do not include archived banks.
  • Balance sheet:  make liability line for Tax Withhold Owing same as what is on GL (previously would show Income tax, which may be confused as other company related taxes)
  • View job: show exact warranty status. e.g. lodged / settled / dealer etc
  • Generic unit cost GL posting: if set with a supplier and supplier has a default GL code, use that code instead of default generic unit expense code
  • Magician
    • New API based check for Ficeda
  • Payroll payment summary report : clearly show reporting period dates vs first pay / last pay dates as separate report entries.
  • New unit first service reminder :  allow decimal points to allow partial month reminder .  e.g. 1.5 will be 1 month + 50% into the next month
  • VicRoads marine/trailer registration. Use registered owner details , not customer if different.
Release 5.2.117 November 26, 2024 barney

Bugfix : combination of payment surcharging and tax exempt sale was broken.  Result would be an unbalanced journal. Now fixed. Problem especially obvious / annoying with tillpay terminal integration as the surcharge is proscribed by the terminal and has to be applied somehow.

Root cause is c9 was assuming the surcharge was a 'inc gst' , so with txn tagged as tax free it was trying, incorrectly to subtract the tax component from it.



Release 5.2.116 November 23, 2024 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terms out during upgrade

More work / repairs on recent cloud backup archive code

  • C9 would inappropriately archive images some active unit spec sheets under some specific circumstances removing images off website for affected spec sheets (if spec sheet content contains any unicode escapes)
  • Add easy option / ability to make c9 redownload previously archived files which are reassessed to be actually live and archived in error in prior versions of c9 (as is case in last two version updates)
  • Bug with c9 backup files and inclusion of cloud backup changes : resulting backup files could not be restored from without some minor repair (root cause is sql escaping encoding was configured to cope with 8.4 -> 10 psql transition with respect to escapes. The schema for cloud introduced views/ stored procedures which explicitly reference backslash in the schema definition resulting in a broken scheme. Repair is straight forward, restore standard_conforming_strings to it's default.
Release 5.2.115 November 21, 2024 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Bugfix with yesterdays update.

The new c9 archive facility was inappropriately archiving the shop logo printed at top of tax invoices removing the logo entirely.

New version doesn't do this. Also for dealers where this happened today this version will automatically restore the trashed logo from cloud archive for you as part of the update

Release 5.2.114 November 19, 2024 barney

Includes Database changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade


This version of c9 bakes in a critical change in technical approach for us for storing information in your c9 and how it is backed up into the cloud backup service we provide.

More and more dealers are using c9 as a generic document store as well as taking advantage of other data intensive features like pictures of units for website advertising.

We are are fast approaching limits on what we can store because of this.

We have solved this issue by creating a 'hybrid' model. Key data elements which we identify as 'archival/historical' we will offload out of you c9 and into our cloud service. The architecture:

  • reduces size of your locally installed database by putting historical stuff in the cloud
  • dramatically reduces our cloud storage requirements because we are not duplicating massive data store with overnight and monthly data saves
  • the solution is near invisible for your c9. If you go to access a historical / archived element it will seamlessly fetch from cloud just like it would have if it was still stored in your local c9. The only constraint is for historical queries you must be online
  • full restores of c9 will now be significantly faster as data flagged as stored in cloud will no longer need to be downloaded / restored

Initially we have identified the following items for archival

  • emailed attachments, like invoices older than 6 months
  • attachments and web images on units sold 6 months ago
  • attachments on workshop jobs invoiced 6 months ago
  • unused web images initially uploaded 6 months ago

We will monitor rollout of this solution over coming months and may make further adjustments to what we store locally in your c9. This architecture opens up some new opportunities to allow c9 to be used for document / receipt storage etc. But we will assess initial impacts of this change first before exploring other possibilities.

Other tweaks and fixes

  • internal tweaks for things we use in c9 for emailing our invoices : was broken last two months. Should now be fixed.
  • Reconciliation report : was not including recently added gl code for payment gateway clearing (1-1400-xxxx) so was often misreporting txns involving these as problematic. Now fixed
  • ABA file creation. In event of a file creation error, like invalid path, c9 would try and plow on with ABA file create anyway. Result was a null pointer crash. Now just report error and bail
  • Mojo Magician. Would show wrong price, showing trade price when it should show dealer price.
  • website magician check . on dealer websites not working for a number of brands. Now fixed. Specifically Suzuki but possibly also impacting Gas imports, BCE, ORI, Ficeda, Motonat and Cassons
  • Minor typo fix on supplier return screen
  • tillpay tweaks. Tweaks to help highlight possibly fraudulent txns
    • Highlight 3DS Result if result is adverse
    • Display issuer bank + country. Highlight if it isn't australia
  • Part number matching.  Tweak logic used to try and match polaris parts with extaneous 'P' in part number and prefix trim which is in place for some dealers who migrated from competitor system where that system requires a 3 letter prefix at front of part. Previously c9 will trim prefix then apply the polaris trim rule ontop of that. These two tests need to be independent on original user input.
  • View job : show part no on a separate field below list so it can be right clicked and copied
  • Mojo EPC importer : subtle bug with importing multiple units which share diagrams; the second model it would encounter with same diagram would fail to import diagram. This possibly will explain recent issues with missing engine components. Root cause is recent changes to improve memory usage of EPC import was misimplemented for Mojo
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