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Release 4.666 March 7, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. Need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Bug Fixes
    • Receive goods only : was incorrectly creating a bill to be paid.  Now fixed
    • Fixed bug in old total deposits report.  Was not displaying correct customer.
    • Edit deal. Deleting a note would not remove the note. Now fixed
  • Tweaks
    • Workshop profit report. Show # of distinct service jobs in each report line
    • payment assignment.  Assign in order of txn date. Previously was assigning based on 'audit code' which usually is same order of txn date, but not always. (i.e. backdating ops)
  • Onoing work with spare parts despatching workflow/processes
  • Magician/EPC fixes
    • Monza working again
    • Kawasaki EPC working again
    • Triumph EPC working again
Release 6.665 February 28, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. Need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Point of sale complete
    • Calculate deposit screen - cancel button not working
    • Calculate deposit screen - result is not memorized, so exiting complete and then reentered resets deposit to collect to what it was previously
    • New button on complete : 'full' sets deposit to take to ful l value of parts on order
  • Spares
    • Include option to print docket + email simultaneously
    • Account refund.  Preferentially record refund against original account invoice if invoice remains unpaid instead of preferentially paying off oldest txn
  • Unit sales
    • Finance sale with deposit, record deposit against invocie raised for the sale, not against the oldest invoice against the finance company
    • Invoiced sale paid with deal deposit, same as above : make the deposit affect the invoice raised, not oldest invoice on account
  • More payroll dev efforts: tool allowance config.  Formal constraint rules (i.e. disallow deletion of locked payruns). A stack of bug fixes, some initial reports etc.
  • Fix bug with c9 lease invoice printing/emailing. Only impacts Belinda sending out C9 invoices.
Release 4.664 February 26, 2017 barney

Includes Database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade.

  • Miner customer query : include ability to filter based on how far away customer is from the shop. i.e. get all customers within 12km of the shop.  Works based on postcodes so result is actually an approximation based on 'as-the-crow-flies' distance from customer postcode to dealership postcode.
  • Monza Part Enquiry:  system was not showing login failed if login creds were incorrect. Now fixed.
  • Freight integration : some initial work on integration into a major freight logistics provider. More details once project is finished.
  • Workshop Invoices : remove start date off invoice, it has no business being there
  • Spares profit reporting
    • Bugfix with unit of measure items here.  Was incorrectly downsizing $ params by unit of measure magnitude minimising $ figures for these items
    • workshop/unit filtering is for historical reasons and should no longer be used. Disabled by default, organised to make it less obvious and changed text to clarify this
    • Credit note only option: filter out returns from workshop/units : since workshop/unit is just departmental movement.
  • Low level systems - fixed some long standing errors generated deep in the guts of c9.  These errors do not actually damage c9, just make out diagnostic logs messy to read. But I've been wondering if these behaviours are indirectly contributing to graphics video card corruption issues reported and partially fixed a few months ago. So fixing cause of these errors on off chance they are indeed impactful.

Yamaha's new Dealer Connect portal currently doesn't recognise the indicators in the file type sent to determine if the order is a Daily or Stock type order. This can cause issues with freight being sent via road instead of air for required daily orders. They have assured us that they are working to fix this.

In the meantime, dealers will be required to determine freight type when they are exporting the file. When choosing "Export" for a Yamaha order you get the screen pictured below. The "Transport Instructions" field needs to be filled out with either "Road Freight" or "Air Freight". IT Support at Yamaha assure me this will be enough to ensure the correct freight is selected when Yamaha dispatch your order.


order export

Release 4.663 February 20, 2017 barney

Bugfix with latest version of c9.  Remote EPC diagrams broken and generate error messages under common but not all circumstances. Fixed with this version.

Release 4.662 February 14, 2017 barney


Because we have changed our SMS provider, the phone number SMS Replies are sent to has now also changed.  New number is as follows. Old number will still work for a little while but not too much longer.

0447 157 802

This number is shared by all c9 customers. If you want your own number we can organise. There is a monthly ongoing charge for having your own number which customers can SMS reply to and reply appearing in c9 linked against them as a customer.

  • Spare parts docket: print reserve instead of tax invoice if there is no taxable supply on the receive (i.e. deposit surcharge).
  • Spare order magician order /backorder availability.  Show parts that cannot be supplied by supplier as red so it is visually obvious what stuff is likely to go onto backorder.
  • Harley electronic order price file : encode Daily/Stock order correctly in the file. Previously was hardcoded for stock orders only.
  • Unit invoices: was not printing footer text configured in setup. Was instead printing old defunct text which is no longer configurable. Now fixed.
  • Receive spares
    • show tallied value of parts next to mnaually editable parts value so any pending/unresolved discrepency is obvious during receive inputting stage
    • Bugfix with importing from PDF where a part is listed more than once.  System uses price of second item. Problem for some invoices like Yamaha as second item might be a backorder alert with a zero qty + price rewriting prior supply to a cost of zero.  Only update price if line item indicates supply.
    • Tweaks to SMS templates for alerting users to parts ready for pickup. You can now:
      • Show part + description or just part
      • Show list of parts for items supplied as well as parts still on order
      • Limit the list if it is too big. i.e. will display 'Part A, Part B and 3 others' for 5 parts limited to details for 2
  • Contacts
    • Quick SMS : provide a character count
    • View transactions. New option to view connected transactions. e.g. for invoice view payments that paid off the invoice. For payments shows invoices the payment paid off
  • EPC
    • KTM/Husky EPC import.  More factory website changes broke import. Working again.
    • Import EPC diagrams. Include fixes to better cope with switching from remotely linked diagrams to locally stored diagrams. Previously all sorts of things could go wrong and would require manually removing and retrying, mostly missing parts.
  •  Other
    • Added a backdoor user+password into login screen to make things easier for c9 to provide tech support.
  • Payroll ongoing work : payslips. Beginnings of rigid workflows for managing payruns etc.

New SMS Templates

Template Description
{parts('supply',0)} Show supply part numbers. No limit
{parts('supply',1)} Show supply part numbers. Limit 1
{parts('supply',<limit>)} Show supply part numbers. Up to limit <limit>
{details('except',<limit>)} Show part+description for supplied items. Upto limit <limit>
{parts('except',<limit>)} Show parts for items still on order. Limit <limit>
{details('except',<limit>)} Show details for items still on order. Limit <limit>


Example template:

Hi {name}. {parts('supply',1)} at {shop} are now available for pickup {details('except',2)}


Example Result:

Hi Barney.  000 10 000 010 and 2 others at Test Motorcycles are now available for pickup Except BOLT(01500-06127), Motion Pro Cable Housing Ends 6mm for 5mm Housing(08-010004) and 14 others


Release 4.661 February 7, 2017 barney
  • Yamaha part enquiry.  Now working with new dealer connect
  • Ficeda part enquiry : - still BROKEN waiting for some details on how ficeda + new dealer connect work
  • Bugfix with surcharge rounding on workshop jobs. If surcharge rounding differs from normal rounding workshop jobs with surcharge will usually fail with GL journal errors. Now fixed
  • More blind guesswork on Harley PAM Order File...
  • Print Order : Show ordertype on printout Daily/Stock or Alt Order
  • Spare parts receive: print reserve instead of tax invoice if there is no taxable supply on the receive (i.e. deposit surcharge).
  • View change part: view web images. If underlying pricefile item has web items but not the stock item then mess with the price file items.
  • Payroll development progress
    • Manipulate employment terms on staff, dates etc.
    • Computations : leave accrual and expenditure.  Non auto HELP/MLS arrangements.  Salaried income.  Claim threshold. LWP Pro-rataing. Non resident 16/17 tax tables. Compulsory Super. Exclude leave loading from super.


New SMS Provider February 7, 2017 barney

Ongoing reliability issues with our SMS provider for past few months.  Been working with them to try and improve things but nothing is happening.

Trialing a new provider as of today.  Actively monitoring. If it starts raining frogs let us know.

Release 4.660 February 3, 2017 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Payroll - This version includes early non-functional work on a payroll system.  Most of foundation is there. Pay runs, PAYG calculations, managing wages, overtime, annual/sick leave public holidays etc are largely implemented.  A functionally complete alpha version is still approx 4 to 6 weeks away.

Pricefiles - Link International is now in C9 Price file Repository

Accounts - For 2 decades c9 has used brought forward accounting. Brought forward doesn't track which invoices are paid and which invoices are not paid instead it tracks overall balance as of current,30,60,90+. Over a year ago, In Oct 2015 we added an optional layer over the top of this to help track which invoices are open and which are closed providing open invoice tracking.  But this tracking is independent of original brought forward behaviour. Effectively c9 now has both mechanisms, it currently substantially favours brought forward for historical reasons.  Because of this the aged balances as reported by brought forward vs aged balances computed/implied by open invoice can be and are often different (Account balances are perfectly in sync, it is only the aging that varies). The open invoice implementation has proven to be as reliable as the brought forward implementation so we will be in the near future providing a facility that allows switching from brought forward to open invoice where optionally aged balances that are paid off are no longer settable but are computed based on which transactions are still open.  This version includes a couple of interum measures to help facilitate better syncing of aging data without providing actual computed aging across all relevant facets of c9.

Other changes - Mostly tweaks and bugfixes. Specifically

  • Account Balances
    • Setup - >System and database. Include a new database task that syncs aged balance according to open invoice list to aged balance in c9
    • Add transaction: when selecting invoices to pay factor in those invoices when computing default aging periods.
  •  Spares
    • Import spares quote involving a customer and customised discount settings.  On import customised discount setttings would be overloaded with customer default discount settings. Now fixed to use the discount settings as set on the quote
    • Receive order. Provide part search box to search parts on receive list
    • Dead stock report. Include filter option to show the opposite: live stock
    • Orderbook : show qoh/min/max qty for items in the book that are stocked
    • Discount % holding.  A design problem with this is not updating discount % on importing price file for suppliers that provide accurate pricing data.  For majoritry of  suppliers price file should be more or less accurate. Discount held was created for accoessry suppliers where things are a bit messier where dealers might get special pricing regimes that are not encapsulated on price file.  Added a new setting on each franch which disables, by default, discount holding.  You need to goto add/edit franchise -> advanced to explicitly enable holding.  By default all franchises will have this option disabled
  •  Workshop
    • Show tally of effort for all uncompleted jobs in main workshop screen
    • Workshop profit report : would misidentify supplier warranty work on floorstock as internal work. Now fixed.
  • Units
    • View invoices units. Show sales rep. Provide option to modify sales rep (only accessible to logins with admin permission)
    • Track an expected pickup date on deals
  • Miner
    • Allow query by country code
  • Other
    • Docket printing : added support for margin indenting. Accessed via setup
    • Profit summary : missing internal preassembly costs on units for labour+other+ws spares (spare parts were there). Now reported
Release 4.659 January 23, 2017 barney

Bugfix. Version 4.658 broke setup screen.  Now fixed.

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