Includes database changes, you need to log al l terminals out during upgrade.
- Spares
- F2 Discounting on credited spares was broken, trying to calculate % required to resolve a refunded invoice. Should now be fixed.
- F6 modify part, bugfix with not being able to save screen after setting an excessively high margin under some circumstances., i.e. discounting dead stock down to 0.01.
- Print/Email spares order. Default to creditor contact email address if emaill addr on franchise is not set.
- Import fiche : fix Mercury to import class component of part number correctly
- Setup: Disallow entry of rounding of 0.00 : can bust web hosting. Force 0.00 to 0.01
- Workshop
- Insurance jobs, include separate field for claim no#. Printed on tax invoice and estimate. Inherited from estimates.
- Typo bugfix on redesigned new job screen
- Added notion of a final fixed price. C9 will automatically memorise and discount down to this and also at point of completion pad out any labour line items if fixed price is below current total
- Estimates : options to suppress printing tech and/or part numbers
- Allow access to New Job in planner when planner is selected from left hand menu bar (previously could only select this when you access planner via main workshop screen)
- New Job : ability to start job as received but not to start
- Workshop - Other / Subcontracting
- Added ability to uninvoice and tweak items flagged as invoiced, no longer have to delete and readd.
- On invoice, provide facility to automatically pay invoice on the spot
- Browse Purchase Orders : also allow viewing of non-open purchase orders
- Provide ability to process invoicing of sub contracted work that covers multiple jobs, giving you ability to assign % cost to each of affected jobs
- Allow cancellation of invoiced POs on jobs already invoiced so you can easily fix up & tweak sub contract POs well after the fact.
- New setup option to disable access to 'Received'. Allowing running c9 such that all sub contract work must be invoiced
- Units
- Fixed a subtle and rare issue with selling units. Some rare and complex database issues could result in blank units in the select unit screen, if you selected a blank entry and tried to sell it, things would get really haywire. (Technical explanation, if cunits mv and units tables were somehow out of sync, force 1:1 join here to help cope with this, long term consider using DB triggers to materialise cunits).
Email notification - c9 now uses a new mechanism for email routed via c9. It will flag the email as being sent by '' and set reply to address to email of your business. This will hopefully result in more reliable email delivery at expense of having an email that looks slightly less professional not coming from yourself. You can achieve having professional looking emails by configuring c9 to use your own SMTP outgoing mail server. (details here:
This new setting is the default setting, on basis that it provides more reliable delivery and that there is a better process above to get your correct email address as the sender. But you can restore prior more unreliable behaviour. In Setup -> Other Settings -> Magician/Email/SMS. Reason why old method is unreliable is we have situation where c9's server,, is sending your mail on your behalf. So we have an emai l that says it is from, but it was sent by This sort of arrangement though generally allowed is one of many techniques used by spammers to send SPAM and other nasties via email. To help minimise nasties some mail system will refuse to receive and handle such mail making delivery less reliable. Change this setting at your own risk, is not not a recommended setting. The new setting also is not necessarily as reliable as using your own outbound mail server, this remains the preferred approach.