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Release 4.636 July 13, 2016 barney

Includes database changes.  You need to log all terminals out during upgrade.

Improved Magician and c9 dealer integration further.

  • When exporting an order to another c9 dealer, if the order is an accessory order for a magician mapped supplier c9 will automatically select that dealer and submit the order as a web order to them direct into their c9 system. It will correctly map franchsies etc based on magician mappings. So you could feasibly order a mix of Honda + Suzuki + KTM parts from Bolton's for example on the one order.


  • When creating an invoice via point of sale, at end of the process c9 will give you the option to automatically export parts on order from magician mapped c9 dealers direct to them. No need to goto the order book to fire these orders off for once offs. Can happen entirely in point of sale screen.

Other changes:

  • Bug fix with magician lookup. If no magician matches come up view supplier option for part mart is greyed out. Now fixed.
  • Website content.
    • Include a 'class' field which James will be able to use to make c9 powered website look even more mint.
    • Tweak spec sheet config to include pricing, webclasses and notion of whether an item is summary only or detail only
  • Import Kawasaki Fiche diagrams. Recent website changes broke import. Now working again.
Release 4.635 July 5, 2016 barney
  • Spares
    • Bug Fix : Credit invoice, delete one of the parts to credit and c9 would loose track of invoice being credited, also meaning info such as discount schemes applied on original invoice are thrown away. Now fixed
    • Import Generic Price file. System was only memorizing settings for first 10 columns in the imported spreadsheet, not all 12. Now tweaked to memorize last 2 columns as well. Generally only relevant for a couple of suppliers since most price files utilise no more than 8 columns in their spreadsheets.
    •  Magician
      • Suzuki Dealer Net Query. Looks like some website changes have broken c9 part lookup.  Should now be back to normal.
      • F9 will query all magician parts on order
      • View Order : new option to query all parts, not just backordered items
      • In Magician lookup is a new option which allows you to link magician supplier to supplier in your c9. If not found c9 will automatically create supplier for you. Similarly you can use this option to change supplier for part to be ordered.magc9supp
  •  Units
    • Uncollected rebates report. Separate report into two sections, sold and unsold units
    • Floorplan payout. Added a tool under setup to allow you to do a bulk payout of units on floorplan but sold. Payout is set to date of sale.  Defaults to units sold more than 30 days ago
  • Business
    • Map Xero supplier to c9 supplier : show xero suppliers in alphabetical order
  • System/Other
    • Cloud backup was not reporting velocity of updates like it used to: just showing either 'synchronized' or 'not backed up'. Now restored velocity data.
Release 4.634 July 4, 2016 barney

Bug fix : latest version caused an issue with web order merge customer details screen. Screen would not work correctly. Now fixed.

Release 4.633 June 29, 2016 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Contacts
    • Increase allowed size of address fields to better accomodate international addresses.
  • Workshop
    • Sell parts to internal department, departments would not be visible if workshop location was set to something other than 'Show all'. Now fixed
  • Units
    • Add terminal locking to deals, to prevent two terminals trying to modify the same deal at the same time, which can cause weird things to happen like deposit on deal being tracked being all messed up.
  • Spares
    • More work on Honda Dealer integration, hopefully almost ready to go live.
Release 4.632 June 22, 2016 barney
  • Fiche diagram import
    • Got Harley/Partsmart working again
    • BRP import. Try to cope with alternate part listings where price file description is same but analyzing descriptions of parts on a diagram with same reference # and extract the different text and adding it as a note to the item on the diagram.
  • Magician
    • Tweak Yamaha integration a little bit, hopefully more reliable now.
  • Unit Deals
    • Print Deal # on resulting invoices
    • Show deal number in units - > invoiced units. Allow printing of deal sheet
    • Show finished deals in Sales -> deals. Allow printing on either deal sheet or resulting tax invoice from here.
  • Spares
    • Receive order. If you select cancel on IRREVERSABLE operation warning screen in pickup and try again. C9 will popup an error screen about lock depths. Error itself is ignorable, but looks scary. Now fixed. (Caused by recent changes to only lock franchises at point of actual receive).
  •  Misc
    • Locked activity. C9 can be setup to disallow txns before a certain date, for purposes of accounting reporting.  But if a user attempts to then backdate and modify an old txn system will usually fail with random system errors without any clue to the cause being lock date.  Modified to give user more useful feedback to cause of the failure. i.e. see screenshot below
    • Previously old versions of c9 could have shortcuts that launch into specific parts of c9. i.e. c:\c9\startup /workshop would jump into workshop. This functionality was lost when new UI system came into play. Now restored this functionality.
    • SMS Replie: under some rare circumstances a SMS reply might get duplicated multiple times. In one instance saw a sms duplicated 1000s of times. Added tweaks to prevent this.
Release 4.631 June 16, 2016 barney
  • Workshop
    • Modify sub contract on job: if sale cost = job cost and you modify sale cost then job cost. C9 would modify the job cost but not recalculate gst and +gst job costs creating a subtle and difficult to notice defect with sub contract costings. Now fixed. In a couple of ways:
      • Once job costs are set do not allow changes to job retail pricing to affect this
      • When job retail price is changed make sure gst and +gst job costs are also updated on screen.
  •  Spares
    • Barcode.  Allow easy adding of spares barcodes by keying in partnumber into barcode screen and pressing Enter. Also works with STX configured barcode scanners
    • Line item discount. Option to key in discount by $ as well as %
  •  Contacts
    • Bugfix with printing countries on spares invoices. Would print country twice under some circumstances. Now fixed
  • Email Notifications.
    • Bugfix : recent memorise email address functionality did not work with workshop cash sales. (Account sales are okay). Now fixed
    • System now allows you to set email bodies for emailed documents/reports/invoices. Has a default template. Example screenshots:

bodycfg emailbody


Release 4.630 June 10, 2016 barney

Includes database changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Spares
    • Bugfix: Complete point of sale, if you select customer and select option to use customer deposit but then back out and then complete again, the screen will not show account deposit allocated resulting in on screen numbers not adding up correctly. Invoice was still okay.  Fixed to refresh these details correctly on re-entry to complete
    • Merge on pickup
      • Bugfix : would not close off order book items if items to be merged are already on the invoice being merged into. Now fixed
      • In database, track original invoice for merged items, to make it easier for us to trace/debug/diagnose any issues
      • Bugfix : would try to merge items on original invoices which were partially supplied, damaging original invoice. Prevent these items from being merged
    • Bugfix: Merge With existing. Would not update parts on order total correctly resulting in erroneous parts still on order notices on the printed out invoice
    • Receive order: do not lock franchise until very end when receive is initiated, allowing multiple receives for a given franchise to be setup by different operators
  • Contacts
    • Print Att: on shipping labels for companies
  • Workshop
    • Do not 'tab though' on job icons on new or modify job.
    • Bugfix: Job notes, modify. Was not refreshing screen correctly to old copy of notes if user selected No to save changed notes on cancel. (The notes were not being changed)
  •  Misc
    • Include Ben's ph# in Help -> About
    • Cash Till report : break down different instruments into incomings and outgoings
Release 4.629 June 9, 2016 barney

Bugfix : reports of error from one client. Would get an error on spares sale when trying to print invoice.  Reprint was generally okay.  Not sure precise root caus. It was connected to changes in last version of c9, with printing of voucher details on invoices.  The way the code was was by design fragile. Rewrote that section of code using a simpler and more reliable approach.

Select Estimate: memorize column widths for standard estimate tab




Release 4.628 June 6, 2016 barney

Includes database changes, you'll need to log all terminals our during upgrade

  • Gift cards
    • new gift card type : discount gift cards. These are cards you issue without receiving any money, so giveaways promotions, sponsorship plans etc.  Instead of paying off tax invoices and being treated as a method of payment, they discount the tax invoice : potentially all the way down to a $0 tax invoice, so there is no GST liability to you. Essentially they are limited discount schemes. Currently can only be used for cash spares and cash workshop invoices.  They generally behave and are used the same was as existing gift cards (now renamed to cash gift cards). Differences:
      • No cash is taken when they are created (or accounts billed)
      • Can only be used, at this time, for over the counter spares sales and workshop service sales.
      • Tax invoices issued are discounted, so you do not need to pay GST since you are giving stuff away, not providing goods and services, customers cannot claim input credits since there are no input credits to claim on discount portions of tax invoices.
    • Deleting/undeleting an operation that involves vouchers will now adjust any corresponding vouchers, even if it means the voucher is reopened.
      • Undeleting an operation that was deleted that involves refunded voucher funds subsequently spent elsewhere will not work (since money was already spent!)
  •  Units
    • Purchase unit : request payment method if from customer.
    • Track hour as separate from odo. Prints/displays on most relevant screens / reports.
    • Allow flagging of units as archived, for customers with large fleets that get routinely serviced.
      • When selecting a unit for a new workshop job etc, these units will be filtered out by default. C9 will make it obvious that there are filtered results
      • Do not send automated recall reminders for archived units
  • Workshop
    • Track hour as separate from odo. Prints/displays on most relevant screens / reports.
    • Make it a bit easier/more intuitive to edit a job that is in completed state. Switching to progress gives option to apply right away and sets up edit session to allow editing of things which are normally disallowed for completed jobs
    • New field : key location. Here you can key in location details like # on a key ring rack, or bay # or similar. Displays in various view edit screens and on the main workshop screen
    • Tweak keyboard shortcuts on New Job
  • Spares
    • Relax constraints on deleting bills connected to spares receive. System now permits delete/undelete of these records without regard for inventory impacts. Upto operators to adjust inventory accordingly.
    • F2 lookup part, new option in setup allows you to default parts search to look at stocked items only
    • Min Qty Automatic Re-ordering : include new setup switch to completely disable this feature
    • Receive Stock, option to print barcode labels for invoices as well.   Printed barcodes are smart context sensitive barcodes. i.e. scan a WS barcode and c9 will jump you to the relevant workshop job, no matter where you are in c9
    • Spares discount changes
      • Resdesigned Edit Discount screen to easier arrive at various discount goals. $ discount, final suppy price, or $/final price for supply + order items.
      • Goal seeking for discount % will favour 'nice' looking discount values. i.e. will grab 12.50%  instead of 12.47% if they both yield the same goal
  • Contacts
    • Shipping label, print customer ph# in a different spot so as to not stuffup AusPOSTs automatic label readers. Print it in same location they print ph# in on their eParcel labels.
    • Send email at key points, like emil invoice.  Offer option to store email address keyed in against customer record if relevant
Release 4.627 May 13, 2016 barney

Includes database changes, you need to log al l terminals out during upgrade.

  • Spares
    • F2 Discounting on credited spares was broken, trying to calculate % required to resolve a refunded invoice. Should now be fixed.
    • F6 modify part, bugfix with not being able to save screen after setting an excessively high margin under some circumstances., i.e. discounting dead stock down to 0.01.
    • Print/Email spares order. Default to creditor contact email address if emaill addr on franchise is not set.
    • Import fiche : fix Mercury to import class component of part number correctly
    • Setup: Disallow entry of rounding of 0.00 : can bust web hosting. Force 0.00 to 0.01
  •  Workshop
    • Insurance jobs, include separate field for claim no#. Printed on tax invoice and estimate. Inherited from estimates.
    • Typo bugfix on redesigned new job screen
    • Added notion of a final fixed price.  C9 will automatically memorise and discount down to this and also at point of completion pad out any labour line items if fixed price is below current total
    • Estimates : options to suppress printing tech and/or part numbers
    • Allow access to New Job in planner when planner is selected from left hand menu bar (previously could only select this when you access planner via main workshop screen)
    • New Job : ability to start job as received but not to start
  • Workshop - Other / Subcontracting
    • Added ability to uninvoice and tweak items flagged as invoiced, no longer have to delete and readd.
    • On invoice, provide facility to automatically pay invoice on the spot
    • Browse Purchase Orders : also allow viewing of non-open purchase orders
    • Provide ability to process invoicing of sub contracted work that covers multiple jobs, giving you ability to assign % cost to each of affected jobs
    • Allow cancellation of invoiced POs on jobs already invoiced so you can easily fix up & tweak sub contract POs well after the fact.
    • New setup option to disable access to 'Received'. Allowing running c9 such that all sub contract work must be invoiced
  • Units
    • Fixed a subtle and rare issue with selling units. Some rare and complex database issues could result in blank units in the select unit screen, if you selected a blank entry and tried to sell it, things would get really haywire. (Technical explanation, if cunits mv and units tables were somehow out of sync, force 1:1 join here to help cope with this, long term consider using DB triggers to materialise cunits).

Email notification - c9 now uses a new mechanism for email routed via c9.  It will flag the email as being sent by '' and set reply to address to email of your business.  This will hopefully result in more reliable email delivery at expense of having an email that looks slightly less professional not coming from yourself. You can achieve having professional looking emails by configuring c9 to use your own SMTP outgoing mail server. (details here:

This new setting is the default setting, on basis that it provides more reliable delivery and that there is a better process above to get your correct email address as the sender. But you can restore prior more unreliable behaviour. In Setup -> Other Settings -> Magician/Email/SMS.  Reason why old method is unreliable is we have situation where c9's server,, is sending your mail on your behalf. So we have an emai l that says it is from, but it was sent by  This sort of arrangement though generally allowed is one of many techniques used by spammers to send SPAM and other nasties via email.  To help minimise nasties some mail system will refuse to receive and handle such mail making delivery less reliable.  Change this setting at your own risk, is not not a recommended setting.  The new setting also is not necessarily as reliable as using your own outbound mail server, this remains the preferred approach.




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