Fixed stocking analysis tools. Recently accessory supplier changes broke them.
Bugs fixes and tweaks
- accidently removed contract of sale from QLD paperwork bundle when adding Form 10 + Form 12. Readded
- Receive Order, change retail price via ratio % does not actually save adjusted retail price. Now fixed
- Bulk import stock take
- was not working with recent supplier changes
- if part does not exist, limit master file search to indicated supplier name if in the provided excel file
- better error reporting
- View dealer units : memorise list/table column size adjustments on each terminal
- Generate order : was not working for accessory suppliers due to last update. Now fixed
- Generate All : was miscalculating what needed to be generated due to incorrect handling of supercessions
Requires database changes. You will need to log terminals out during upgrade
Victoria contract of sale : print Schedule 4 instead of 3 if sale is a new unit. Print New/Used on contract particulars page.
QLD paperwork. Included Form 12 (Cooling off) and Form 10 (beneficial interest)
Debtors balances. C9 can now track paying off individual invoices providing an optional open invoice accounting mechanism. When you add a payment you have the option to select which invoices you want to pay off (c9 will pay off invoices in order they are added to system by default). View transaction screen visually shows which txns are paid off/fully allocated and how much remains. The implementation is completely transparent from existing brought forward implementation of debtors and does not modify existing functional behavior in any way whatsoever so those who don't want to use it will see no functional changes and can ignore this. Supports unallocated payments too, so if you record a payment c9 will automatically pay off future created invoices. Handles creation/deletion of debtor adjustment correctly, automatically unallocating and reallocating as needed.
Major overhaul of accessory suppliers correcting 20+ year design issue with how suppliers are internally tracked in c9. You can now safely modify suppcode of suppliers without loosing link between suppliers and stocked parts. This is the first part of a larger initiative to add creditors into c9 (open invoice accounting above is also part of this project).
Bugfix with selling unit on finance and recording deposit at time of sale. Invoice printed would show payment method for on road costs. Now fixed so not do this.
Tweaks to support importing of Serco invoices. (Serco PDF files include a scaling affine transform to stretch text across the page. C9's handling of affine transforms was naive, now improved to only filter things that are rotated by something other than 90/180/270. Scaling and flipping/mirroring such as landscape flipping should now be okay)
Tweaks for ongoing efforts with web based service reception, tweaks that allow for faster updates of unit/job details. (Force online backup to immediately sync triggered via remote command).
Unit paperwork : include Vicroads Online Dealer Authority Form
Receive order : Remove 'do you want to add part to stock?' nag screen. Just add it to stock every time
Bug fix with credit note. Credit note involving unreturned stock not writing invoice total correctly (credit note worked okay for returned stock, just not for unreturned stock)
Floorplan tweaks:
- Show interest free/payout date on browse dealer units
- Open floorplan report : keep report condition window open
- Open floorplan report : allow simple model filtering to quickly print report on all SX250's on floorplan for example
C9 can now receive replies to SMS messages sent from c9. Those replies will appear in c9 itself.
Enabling this feature
This feature is enabled by default to replies to Miner generated SMS messages. For other messages, such as parts, workshop etc, it does require changing some configuration in c9.
C9 allows you to configure who the SMS is coming from. This must be disabled. i.e. in c9, in Setup -> Other Settings -> Magician/SMS/Email. Under Email/SMS settings. You will see this:
Corresponding to a message like this:
The problem is that 'boltons' is not a real SMS sender number and cannot be replied to.
By making 'From SMS' blank changes c9 so it sends it from a real 04 number. This can be replied to.
Using the feature
In c9 in top right you'll see notification of SMS:
Goto Customers at top, then Customers -> SMS replies on left menu to view messages. When you view message it is flagged as unread and c9 will stop nagging you.
Shared SMS Reply Numbers
There are no costs associated with the SMS reply feature, customers can reply as much as they like without any impact to you.
The number c9 uses when you leave the 'From SMS' blank is a single number for all c9 dealerships. If a given customer deals with multiple dealerships then they will see multiple messages from different dealerships interleaved from this one phone number. C9 assumes replies are replying to dealership who last sent a message.
Generally this shouldn't be an issue, but you can get your own dedicated number if you like. Cost is between $25 and $300(!!) per month depending on whether you want a normal number or something easy to remember like 0408 888 888, plus once off $100 setup fee from c9. You could possibly get creative and setup say 0408bolton (0408265866)
Again there is no charge for using default c9 'From SMS' number.
New SMS reply feature. New config option in Setup -> Notificiations to disable notice of new SMS reply on a given terminal. So you can set things up so only a couple of terminals in the shop will nag when a new SMS has been received.
Bug fix: Unit of Measure issues when forcing sale of UOM below qty on hand. Would sometimes throw journal error due to rounding, also would stuff up recording of qtyonhand by not resetting subqty correctly, meaning stock would never actually go to zero if oversold. Now fixed
Import PDF invoice: could not handle Monza invoices where word 'COPY' was written diagonally down the page. Ignore all text that isn't aligned along the exactly vertically/horizontally.
Update on invoices c9 can now import: Cassons, Cykel, GP, HuskyPE, JTR, Kawasaki, Mcleods, Monza, Whites, Yamaha / Ficida.
Includes database changes, you will need to log out during upgrade
- Customers can now SMS back on miner SMS sendouts things other than 'STOP', c9 will record them and you can view/action them. Also possible to setup c9 so non miner SMS messages can be replied to. More on how to enable this shortly.
- Freeform parts: ability to configure freeform items to default to $0 cost (new option in setup)
- Scan customer barcode in point of sale, visually indicate scan worked by popping up a small window alerting this, window automatically disappears after a second
- Stock history report, option to report only on items that have moved since a given date
- Workshop bugfix, parts manually repriced on order (or on estimate then order) mess up discounting required when part arrives applying discount twice. Now fixed.
Bugfix : point of sale credit note for what was originally an invoice sale to a customer that has subsequently been converted from account to cash. System would not provide credit to the account customer causing GL error making the credit txn fail. System will force invoice refund onto customer even though they are flagged as a cash customer at time of refund.
Spares receive order print. For each customer section, print a single line if invoice/customer has parts elsewhere (i.e. received previously) waiting and show summary of figures. Idea here is when last come comes in, there is no visual indicator that there are other parts for the customer as well. A one line indicator will show that there are also items held in shop for the customer.
Print linkable barcode, option to print tall barcodes.
Version 4.570 contained an annoying technical diagnostic popup message that popped during spares complete sale, which I forgot to remove before baking/shipping 4.570. Now removed.
Print customer email on job card, so you can double check email for customer is correct.
Includes database changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Bug fix with Unit of measure where system would misbehave and not verify available qty correctly after transitioning from say 1.0005 to 0.9995.
- New Sale/Cash reconciliation report. Summaries all GL postings based on GL codes involved in the posting for postings involving payment methods and/or sales.
- Some significant reworking of barcode scanning to allow some very powerful features.
- Creation of special global 'c9' barcodes. When you scan these barcodes c9 knows what sort of barcode it is and jumps to right part of c9 after scanning.
- e.g. scanning barcode on job cards will jump straight to browse jobs and highlight the job, irrespective of where you currently are in c9
- 'c9' barcodes are printed on spares receive sheets for quick customer order pickup and quick referencing of jobs parts are on
- Can print barcodes for customers to put on loyalty cards. If you scan such a card in point of sale, point of sale is automatically primed with that customer. Scan anywhere else and c9 jumps to customer -> View customer highlighting the scanned customer
- Can pre-print / bulk print customer loyalty card barcodes and then link/associate those barcodes to actual customers at a later date (Setup -> Other -> linkable barcodes)
Notes on barcode feature:
- Note that these barcode features only work if your barcode is configured to transmit STX as part of barcode scan. Most barcodes out of the packaging do not do this. You need to check with your barcode scanner documentation. Some doco on c9 website here:
- barcode scanning no longer supports STX + <barcode> + ETX + CR. C9 will treat such configs as sending an extraneous CR after barcode is scanned. Doubt anyone has their barcode scanners configured this way. C9 will work fine with either STX + <barcode> + ETX or STX + <barcode> + CR, or plain old <barcode> + CR (but new features will not work without STX)
- barcode scanning will be intermittent on slow/crappy computers. Any delay in barcode characters for more than half a second, c9 assumes it isn't a barcode and just normal user input.