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Release 4.611 March 1, 2016 barney

Parts magician completely removed and replaced with a c9 based alternative.  After upgrading, following differences:

  • Magician queries, faster and more reliable and will always return a result irrespective of status of other dealers computer setup
  • View supplier details more accurate
  • No non-c9 based solution anymore.  Will only query dealers with online backup (which is most dealers anyway).

Workshop booking reminders. With multiple c9 messengers running over multiple days a-piece, system could send duplicate notifications as messenger did not properly check if another messenger had already done this task.


Release 4.610 February 29, 2016 barney

Includes DB changes, you'll need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Spares
    • Option to print all notes on a invoice, including notes on related quotes/orders etc. On by default but can be switched off in setup
    • Spares complete, F5=Notes. Allow user to view/modify all historical related notes as well as note to be created on new invoice/quote
    • View Received order : display totals,freight etc on screen
    • Fiche : optimised database calls on substitute parts functionality
    • Parts Magician : provide operator feedback on progress of supplier query. Previously was not sure if query was in progress or finished but failed to return as result. Now more obvious
    • Parts Magician : bug in c9 meant for newly magicianed suppliers c9 would not automatically kick off login screen. User had to click on 'dealer login' to initiate process. Now fixed
    • F12 pickup order : colour code invoice based on status of parts on order overall
    • Export order: added new method type for Softway (used by MV Agusta)
  • Miner
    • Allow query of Biz Activity from Customer. Useful for doing an activity dump on a given customer.
Release 4.609 February 24, 2016 barney
  • Spares
    • Fiche Import
      • Convert extended latin encoding into ASCII, i.e. from [125 EXC M/Ö (US)] to [125 EXC M/O (US)] on import.  C9 itself can handle extended charsets, but it's database and backup database is configured such that it cannot.
      • Support importing from publicly accessible KTM and Husky parts fiche sites
      • Manage fiche : option to allow you to substitute parts based on part number. i.e. you are a Husky dealer and want to list KTM diagrams but substitute Husky part numbers on those diagrams where possible.
    • Magician
      • Added support for Polaris (will integrate into web
  • Workshop
    • Bug fix with modify job : new P/L tallies where obscuring other things on the job screen, like grand total
Release 4.608 February 23, 2016 barney
  • Spares
    • SMS notification bugfix, selected SMS notify option in point of sale complete was no longer working. Would go to default behaviour. Now fixed
    • Point of Sale complete,  some on screen redesign work to hopefully make function of freight to charge later more intuitive.
    • Export generic order. Support exporting format for Polaris.
    • Print labels, was not coping with label printers with long printer names. Now fixed
    • PC-EFTPOS, setup PC-EFTPOS button would not work for 64bit computers. Now fixed
    • Import price file, deal with a NLA marker appearing in supercession field by clearing supercession and adding 'NLS' to front of part description.  Cope with suppliers (like triumph importer and a few others) who think it is okay to arbitrarily change the definition of things and throw any old thing into the supercession field. By default will match on 'NLA', 'NA' and 'NLS' but can be configured globally in Setup or disabled by setting it to a blank string.
    • Magician Query
      • Added: MCS Online
      • Added: Triumph
    • Receive order
      • added toggle buttons to allow rapid flagging of full backorder/cancelled items. Saves having to go into modify screen set qty and unsupply behaviour. Hopefully means orders can be processed a bit faster.
      • Do not reset order supplier not none if order contains parts tagged from multiple suppliers. i.e. when sourcing accessory items from another dealership.
    • Print order
      • Allow user to modify order header notes in select options screen
      • When print notes are selected, keep print orientation in portrait mode, only flip to landscape if any of these options alone are selected : qoh, cost, extension, location
    • Part Image/Fiche Import
      • Minor tweaks to BRP to improve robustness of import
      • Minor tweaks to Ducati importer to improve robustness
      • Got KTM/Husky Spare Parts web import working again
  • Workshop
    • P/L tab on view and modify job: Show totals.
    • P/L tab on view and modify job: discount shown was GST Inc, needs to be GST ex.
  •  Business
    • Reprint deposit. Ability to only show deposits connected to a selected customer.
  •  Miner
    • Allow query on created date on a contact/customer
Manufacturer recalls February 9, 2016 barney

The easiest way to track down bikes that your supplier has issued a recall for is to use c9 miner to query for bikes.

We've just added a new query to hopefully make this more accessible.

Miner. Press "Load Standard Query" button.

Under units is a new standard query: supplier recall finder.


Press F4 and feed in filter details like below. System will show all all matching current units, whether it's floor stock or owned by customers.


Release 4.607 February 5, 2016 barney
  • Spares Fiche Diagrams
    • Improvements to Honda fiche importing
      • Fix issues with images not importing correctly (fix involves running java 7, c9 will warn you if your java is too old for importing fiche)
      • Detect if honda install dir has more than one set of fiche (i.e. motorcycle and power equipment), ask user to choose one
    • Improved image rescaling on imported fiche.  Massive images could scale down poorly with antialiasing effects. Scaling is now alot smoother
    • Fixed importing for KTM and Husqvarana to cope with design changes to KTM/Husky websites
  • Accounts
    • Bug with statements  involving suppliers. Statement balance at bottom of statement was correct but would erroneously include supplier items, not debtor items and descriptions on them were incorrect too, resulting in misleading opening balance as well. Now fixed
  • Spares
    • Plugged hack where you could force a layby (or supplier return) by making invoice a quote, backing out and then re-completing again
    • Supplier return : default discount to 0% on selecting supplier, clearing any discount previously in play if invoice started out as a regular customer invoice
    • Convert quote : import freight and tracking details
  • Workshop
    • Modify spare part qty on estimate, was not automatically calculating new total price correctly. Now fixed.
  • Units
    • Contract of sale, was erroneously printing odo instead of rego # on tradein vehicle on forms for following states : VIC, NSW, QLD, WA
  •  Website
    • New experimental website element types for forms/enquiries also for laying out new bike specs.  frontend website not yet ready, another week or two.

C9 recently introduced creditors. C9 can be setup so that when you receive spares in it will track bills to be paid with an due date on them within creditors.

Now many existing c9 users will want to disable this (I probably should of disabled it by default in c9), because reminders about overdue bills are annoying when you don't run creditors.  Two steps, one is to disable the feature for future invoices and 2 is to clear up the ones already there.

Step 1 : Stop future bill tracking

Setup -> Main Setup Screen. Select Suppliers tab. Select option 'User select default no'. Select okay to confirm changes


Step 2 : clear bills currently in play

Contacts -> Contacts -> Unpaid Bills

For each bill do the following

  • Click pay highlighted bill
  • Switch transaction type from 'Pay a bill' to 'Supplier Credit note'
  • Click OK and continue.
  • Repeat for other bills




Release 4.606 February 1, 2016 barney
  • Workshop
    • Query VicRoads database now working again (WOO!)
    • View/modify job : 2 new tabs that show timesheet logbook against the job and line by line profit margin
  • Spares
    • Reserve/Pickup A4 printout : include a smart barcode, when scanned in c9 will jump straight to F12 pickup for that reserve
    • Fixed loophole where parts supply test limiting usage of layby or supplier return can be overcome by flagging invoice as a quote first, then backing out and reattempting to complete the invoice.
  •  Units
    • QLD Paperwork
      • New contract based on changes to legislation
      • New forms for new sections 74 and 73 of legislation
      • Fix to registration form ,was printing engine# on page 2 when it should of been printing capacity
Release 4.605 January 18, 2016 barney
  • Spares Point of Sale
    • import.
      • Respect order that parts are on from original source of data and retain that order. Previously was resorting the parts. So an imported quote will be laid out on the invoice the same as the original quote, for example
      • Import quotes/invoices from other c9 dealers via C9 E-Reference. Useful for dealers that run c9 that interchange parts
    • Always show post invoice to tender window after point of sale so operator can see newly minted invoice #
  • Units
    • Reworked stock take report to better clarify status of bikes based on their floorplan.
      • Allow report to be run on a historical date (i.e. for 1st of July)
      • Group bikes based on new, used, unpaid floorplan and paid floorplan
      • Further breakdown floorplan units based on whether the bike was sold prior to reporting date but still on open floorplan on report date. Also those units sold after (may help track down floorplans not properly closed out)
    • Units - print deal. Ability to indicate level of detail was lost in recent addition of more detailed level of detail settings. Now restored.
    • Units - low level system bug was causing deal receive unit to crash for one dealership sometimes. Now fixed
Release 4.605 January 14, 2016 barney
  • Spare parts
    • New facility to return parts to supplier and generate a supplier credit note. Use point of sale, new option in complete : Supplier Return. Invoice is priced at lastincost on stock file. (These can be overridden in point of sale screen.)
    • More obvious way to use point of sale to order parts for stock. In complete : Order for Stock
    • Receive spares from electronic import (C9 e-reference or PDF etc), allow user to select an alternative part if supplied part number is incorrect. Do not import parts starting with '**' as they are probably c9 freeform parts
  • Contacts
    • Access modify contact from view contact
    • Access view contact from modify job record
  • Workshop
    • Restored functionality of WS Other (by supplier) report. Lost during recent work on sub-contractor/creditor code changes
  • Other
    • Browse website structure, provide a guard to protect against recursive structures. Some rare drag/drop gestures can result in this.
    • Some minor spelling typo fixes
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