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Release 5.2.104 June 26, 2024 barney

Include DB Changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Tillpayments refinements and tweaks
    • bank rec : Tweak output to make it easier yo reconcile paypal / tillpay captures. Recent introduction of gateway clearing GL codes made it difficult in reconcile screen to match a payment to a txn in c9. Now sorted.
    • Disable INCAUTH as it is problematic for some bank issuers : like CBA. Only support DEBIT
    • DEBIT : change indicator for debit : from recurring to merchant initiated
    • Bugfix with terminal config. Live/standbox toggle wasn't working correctly
    • Cancel web order : auto pop tillpay / paypal to manage refund / void
  • Suzuki Magician Check : reimplemented using a new system provided by Suzuki . MFA no longer required
  • Statement penalties / discounts : not automatically applying after elapsed delay. Broken since migration to v5.2 . Now repaired.
  • WA paperwork : couple of years ago incorrectly switched MR9B form for MR9.  Switched back in this version.
  • unit deal : substitute unit with blank : would not clear model year. Now fixed.
  • Workshop benchmarking - completely removed. Instead report accuracy of job effort on jobs vs charged labour. Affects staff and profit report
  • SMS Reply Alerts - add ability to configure a courtesy alert email to send an email when there are unread SMS replies to review. Alert is only sent with first unread sms to come in. Subsequent unread replies will not trigger fresh emails
  • Workshop profit - option to filter report by a specific mechanic who is involved in the job. Filters down to only jobs associated with selected tech : be it scheduled, or charged or clocked
  • Modify Ar/AP payment bugfix : if you modify payment such that it reverses direction of the txn; from money leaving (e.g. pay bill) to money coming in (e.g. collect money to pay bill), the txn will fail with a journal error bc it would force the direction change on modify. Now fixed.
  • Receive spares
    • Some txn combinations where GST is set to or near zero fail with a journal balance error. Root cause is a subtle bug with how GST is amortised across multiple lines and default rounding strategy.
    • When receival GST is zero, do not force GST to zero, instead change Tax Code to EXPENSE_FREE
  • Other Misc tweaks
    • When reciving into stock a part for first time where auto stock take is in play, c9 would not update the last stocktake date and leave it blank. (Subsequent receivals would then fix it up). Now fixed so initial add to stock also performs an auto stocktake
    • Daily SMS templates : make them bigger in configuration
    • Job invoices : print claim number on insurance jobs without a unit (previously would only print if a unit was also assigned to the job)
    • AP Bill + Pay. Write the reference into both bill and pay lines.
    • Paypal void pre-auth. Looks like paypal auto voids preauth on full capture so do not trigger void. Previously with recent fix in last version paypal screen would pop to finalise an ordder and will nag void attempt failure.
Release 5.2.103 June 4, 2024 barney

This version of c9 fixes a subtle defect introduced around / after December in 2023.

Sometimes when you process a receival with some sort of small -ve residual in tally of parts vs invoice total if you selected 'ignore difference' c9 would sometimes fail with a reconciliation then journal balance error.

But previously it worked fine. Further if you go and attempt to do work on previously recorded txns, such as relink them, then the relink would fail.

The core issue is how a fixed gst amount as amortized across multiple lines, with some of the change added to parts and some added to the inverted delta posting. As part of v5.3 alot of work has been done to make amortization of tax more sophisticated; but this introduced some undetected edge cases for a receival where tax invoice tally is slighty less than tally of parts and proscribed gst amount variation exceeds this value.

This version also formally codifies build fixes described in update section of below (v5.2.102) update


Release 5.2.102 June 3, 2024 barney

There appear to be further build issues with v5.2.101.   If you goto biz activity and click on details for any txn involving AR/AP or deposits it will trigger an error. Even though problem was also obvious in AR/AP the exact issue was different from bug in 5.2.100 fixed in 5.2.101

Again problem is build system, not software code. Did a complete clean rebuild after a reboot / memory wipe. Seems to work fine now.

Update 4.6.24: detailed decompile analysis of version 99, 100, 101 and 102 show build process generated significantly different outputs for v100 and v101. v99 and v102 are the same for a key class.  Further analysis revealed an non deterministic issue with build process. The issue is now fully understand and expect it to not occur again.

more specifics : clarion->java interface autoboxing doesn't provide fine grained precedence for clarion to java type mapping; so java methods with different prototype signatures are considered functionally equivalent. So code written at java/clarion interface must enforce this contract. TxnItemType.get() and TxnLocationType.get() broke this contract : purely for purpose of automated regression testing and this break in contract on both these methods are responsible for problems in v5.2.100 and v5.2.101. Repaired using different method names.

Release 5.2.101 June 3, 2024 barney

There was an high impact issue with 5.2.100 related this morning. Most of AR/AP type txns would fail with an error. this version fixes it.

The root cause of issue wasn't a software code bug but with how new versions of c9 are prepared and uploaded. This is the second time we have been caught out in last couple of years by this.  Further changes have be put in place to make sure it doesn't happen again; as original tweaks made were not enough to catch this mornings issues.

Root cause : some sort of issue with incremental build for the main c9 software package resulting in corrupt compiled software : possibly a clash between in IDE incremental build process and command line build; switch to strict clean builds from now on.