Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade
- Tweaks and Fixes
- Remote c9 fixes and improvements
- Icons / images in lists now working
- Dedicated printer label should be working too (remote printer media query was broken)
- Note: this version requires new remote client (v2.5) to work. Old v2.4 versions will crash on any screen with a list which can display images/icons
- Browse dealer units. New icon to discriminate units on active deals vs merely on deal quotes
- WA paperwork, on bulk registration form the rego prints in a extraneous / weird spot over form text/fineprint.
- Orderbook send audit : show supplier next to order number to help disambiguate complex scenarios where a part has been bounced around different possible suppliers and printed/exported under many of them
- AusPOST integration : disable auto generation of shipments @ point of sale for reserves / laybys and quotes.
- Bugfix with unit line deletion (such as rebates / costs etc). If you click no on delete it would erroneously re-ask for confirmation. If on second time you clicked yes it would delete the line but leave the GL posting in play. Now fixed to only ask once and handle GL appropriately.
- PPSR tweaks
- on a deal unit : look for PPSR entries generated on the underlying customer/floor stock : not just unit in context of a deal so save doing multiple PPSR queries
- Warn user if they are reprinting an old PPSR report.
- Receive Spares - import PDF. Cope with item appearing multiple times but with different prices. Ask user to merge and average out costs. Useful for suppliers who like to give free stuff on invoices with paid stuff : e.g. Monza.
- BAS Cash basis reporting tweaks
- Unit sales with ORC : ability to post these onto depositor liability instead of AP. A problem with AP posting is because ORCs are blended into the sale posting these will keep sale txns 'open' until ORCs are settled. Moving these to Deposits solves this issue
- New activity lock which is a low level DB lock : constrain postings which toggle open/close status of a AR/AP entry before a specific date as these influence cash Basis BAS reporting.
- Sales Registry tweaks.
- More info displayed : type, modelyear, odo, stk ref, inv #, consignment #, how acquired summary.
- Some visual tidies : make deleted records more obvious. Group delete sales together.
- Filter options to filter active/deleted on deal units. Tweak date filter
- Sort results by date then audit #id
- WS Profit report : remove fineprint warning about returned part costs not reflected. This hasn't been the case since 2016
Note: version 5.2.63 skipped over as it contains a dependency versioning error
Cash Basis Reporting Notes
This version of c9 includes a couple of changes to help with cash reporting.
Cash locks: with cash reporting you report GST when invoices are paid not when they are raised.
So consider an example where Inv A $40 and Inv B $50. Both raised in January
Now in FEb you pay Inv A off for $40 : it is now claimable in Feb. You then pay Inv B in Mar, it is now claimable in Mar.
But.... you then modify allocation of transactions so the $40 in Feb actually partially pays inv B. Neither inv A or B are settled so neither are reported yet. Then in Mar you pay $50 , of which 10 goes to Inv A and 40 goes to Inv B. By modifying where you attach payments to you modify your reporting!

Because c9's GL has a strong bias towards reporting on accruals basis and works on posting date, the existing GL locks only care about when txns are posted not when they are closed. So you can rearrange how txns link which doesn't modify the ledger, but it does actually modify reporting requirements.
A new type of lock has been added into c9 to contend with this. This lock will prevent altering open/close status on any AR or AP postings before the specified lock date : which in turn protects close date of all lines on connected postings and reportable GST those lines may have. The implementation is a little heavy handed in that it will lock postings which don't strictly have any reportable GST events linked to them (such as deposits and withdrawals) but design is to err on side of preventing reportable changes before a cutoff date at expense of preventing things which are not necessarily reportable.
Unit sales ORC: unit sales ORC will post as AP on on road cost supplier. But because the posting mixes both AR and AP, gst payable will not realise until both AR and AP connected to posting close. Strictly this will not be desirable. To work around this it is possible to configure c9 so ORC post as a deposit liability : deposit liability does not impact reportability of BAS events on cash basis so solves this issue.