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Release 5.2.95 February 22, 2024 barney

Tweaks and fixes

  • Payout / Add Floorplan : disallow access to this screen if underlying unit is not on floorplan. Was possible to open this screen on a used unit for example and force in a trust receipt. Also disallow clearing out the TR as this has other functional impacts.
  • Remote Support : updated version of Anydesk bundled with c9 as anydesk have advised us existing version will shortly no longer work. Website static links already updated
  • Receive parts : print invoice $ tallies to help out with loose, manual data entry processes on receive not matching what backoffice needs to track
  • Floorplan report : newly added sort by TR date option was implemented incorrectly. With this mode selected units would duplicate on report. Now fixed.
  • Magician updates

    • Removed MCS as MCS web changes make magician query impossible
    • Removed Fox Racing as Fox Racing web changes make magician query impossible
  • Workshop pricing tools: add option to price at retail + X%
  • Unit purchase: on costs tab show some unit particulars which might need to be transferred into liability lines added for encumbered purchases
  • Unit Sale Tax Invoices : for invoices with multiple units and on road costs, prefix the on road cost entries so it is obvious which cost is for which unit
  • General Ledger:  Added some additional capital asset codes to fine tune management of capital assets
  • Remittance advise: bottom of invoices is remit advise. Recent changes restructured how this is handled. A bug in code was pumping non-functional errors into application logs. Didn't cause any issues for c9 but made application log files messy. Now tidied.
  • Bulk Payment : option to print selected txns.
  • Web forms: option to configure a recipient target. So different forms goto different web addresses. e.g. 'service' or 'sales' etc.
Release 5.2.94 February 6, 2024 barney

Minor bug fixes

  • Regression fix with surcharging. Last version made some heavy changes on surcharging.  For payment methods with a minspend triggered surcharge the minspend trigger was broken. The txns under minspend, payment screen would pop and correctly would not request surcharge but when you press F10 to continue the system incorrectly thought surcharge was needed, not yet inputted and would pop surcharge screen. Now fixed
  • SMS Sender ID setting, first real attempt to use this today didn't work. The default declaration message was not exactly correct message needed by our provider. It was fine for our internal testing since we were registering sender IDs relevant for c9, but no good for dealers where declaration needed to be worded slightly differently. Hopefully now fixed.


Release 5.2.93 February 4, 2024 barney
  • Surcharge configuration : allow tillpay and paypal gateways to have their own surcharge settings
  • General Ledger : add a maximize button on window
  • Unit recall : previously new unit would always apply unit service reminder recall on sale no matter what unit type was set to. Now you can set service type reminder to -1 and it will also apply for new unit sales allowing you to completely disable reminders on certain types of units
  • bugfix with workshop job label : when accessed from modify job screen not all unit details might print (e.g. unit plate). Now fixed
  • Couple of bug fixes with recent invoice to / reg owner changes to unit invoices. Reg owner would not properly regenerate some details, address line and phone contact details and could instead reprint details of invoice to contact. Now tidied.
  • bank remit details option for account name. To access goto setup -> other settings -> dealership details

Note: because of a versioning / release error no public v5.2.92 was created

Release 5.2.91 January 19, 2024 barney

Includes DB Changes you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

  • Giftcards Partial usage recent changes to gift cards to deal with reused cards introduced a new bug. For partially used giftcards the used value would not refresh correctly. Underlying mechanisms that track giftcard usage are unaffected but presented results on screen are wrong. Now fixed.
  • Workshop Scheduler Another bug found ; if you enter a leave record and leave record expires on current date schedule would incorrectly ignore the leave record assuming it no longer applies. Now fixed
  • BRP EPC importer. Now working for 2024 jetskis. BRP have organised their models in 2024 differently, in a way that breaks original importer.


Release 5.2.90 January 17, 2024 barney

Includes DB changes, you need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Tweaks and fixes

  • Notional GST rules on unit purchases. There was a slight variation between two different systems in c9 on how this is computed. Actual unit sale applies notional gst when purchase unit is either equal to or greater than $300. But auto adjust code which is mainly concerned with aligning GL with inventory changes; is also responsible for validating pending notional GST is correct; was coded that notional gst didn't apply for purchases of exactly $300. Result was a purchase of exactly $300 auto adjust would try to rewrite GL causing reconciliation warnings if during course of the day a $300 purchase was made. Fix is align on consistent behaviour, notional GST is strictly equal to or greater than $300.
  • Workshop Scheduler Behaviour bugfix. A subtle bug in scheduler. If you have a locked event timed to occur before a delayed/movable event and leading into that locked event is an availability gap the scheduler would go haywire and incorrectly schedule the locked event to happen when the delayed event is to occur instead of at its correctly designated time.  Captured scenario in automated testing and repairs made.
  • Finance Settlement. The finance settlement button was not intended to be pressed more than once but seems to occasionally happen for a small number of dealers; often causing issues that require support intervention. Tweaks here:
    • Only accessible where there is outstanding floorplan owing; previously would permissively allow you to enter it if floorplan was settled
    • Only accessible if any existing DOF rebate is not already invoiced; if so assume finance has already been settled
    • To cope with historical issues with duplicated txns on finance provider, allow these txns to be flagged as deleted if underlying rebate/curtailment lines were deleted
    • Intuitively kind of makes sense to press settlement twice if you need to refine a prior settlement; but isn't how screen actually works. Can look at revising this behaviour; but such work is best left until after v5.5

Self Service Sender ID registration

As previously alerted new telco industry practices have been rapidly rolling in to combat large uptick of SMS fraud in 2023. Our SMS provider have implemented further industry standards and provided us with some mechanisms to help automate some of this. Now in c9 you can self service changing sender ID for c9 sent SMS messages. The Magician / SMS screen has changed. Changes themselves should be self explanatory. Screen grab below:


Release 5.2.89 January 10, 2024 barney

Includes DB changes, you need to log all terminals out during update

Tweaks and fixes

  • Add new EPC import for Suzuki : will import fiche from hosted Suzuki API which provides older model data. You'll need a valid API key from Suzuki
  • Weekly planner, when planning on basis of receive date, when creating new jobs set the job start date to receive date being planned. Previously would set start date to today
  • C9 account alert window tweaks. Make it more obvious what nature of alert is by setting window title appropriately (e.g. old version of c9 vs overdue account)
  • TillPay integration bugfix : was checking for wrong setting to see if system was live or not. Now fixed
  • EPC import : added Lambretta (Mojo) option
  • Modify debtor / creditor txn. include option to change contact txn applies to, to more easily deal with scenario where a txn is logged to wrong contact
  • Shopify, update API version as previous implemented version is now deprecated
  • Unit sale tweak, sale record clear the trust provider. So it doens't come back around when unit is purchased back.
  • Unit sale invoices : print registered owner details if set
  • Giftcard changes to better cope with reused card. Original giftcard design allowed for a used giftcard to be reissued. This design didn't quite come across in v5.1. It sort of worked in that you could reissue a giftcard with same reference but you could never fully spend that second card. Generally you really don't want to reissue card numbers for reasons that should be reasonably obvious, but in case there is a genuine need for it, the functionality is now working again in full
    • Fixed above described issue
    • Made some changes for online giftcards so that online card check is reissued card aware : previously wan't and could incorrectly report a reissued card as used

Low level TxnEngine changes : mostly non functional and work is in play for v5.3. Main item of interest is replacing initial Amortizer with QuantizedAmortizer. Amortization is concerned with how to spread tallied tax and discount across multiple lines factoring in rounding issues. Original implementation did rounded ratios then algorithmically fiddled with residual. QuantizedAmortizer is a faster and better algorithm, in that it is easier to reason about its results. Needed in v5.3 to reimplement amortizing of price changes on received spares in.


Release 5.2.88 December 13, 2023 barney

Two regression defects in this mornings new version of c9. Now fixed:

  • Contact details no longer printing on order receive sheets.
  • Spare Profit report : order by Understock (N/C) wasn't working.
Release 5.2.87 December 11, 2023 barney

Tweak and fixes

  • Neto order sync : tweak integration to sync based on updated date, not placed date. The theory is updated date in neto is not strictly date order enters the system and some processes within neto are backdating this field, so c9 skips importing these records. Using updated date as a filter will hopefully improve visibility of orders for syncing
  • Current floorplan report : add a sort by TR Date option
  • Spares Profit/sales report : option to filter for a specific customer
  • Bugfix with cogs journalling on units. Modifying a factory purchase unit subsequently sold needs to forward propagate cogs change to the sale posting; but if the sale also includes cogs from parts then these will be incorrectly rewritten too. now fixed.
  • Workshop profit / sales report : option to filter report based on selected location
  • Contacts : only allow login with 'accounts' or 'admin' permission to modify an account code once set.
  • Payroll leave records: include a calculator to convert a decimal hours figure into hh:mm figure leave screen requires. e.g. will convert 4.75  as a decimal into 4:45 as hh:mm
  • Print receive sheet slips. Clearly indicate for workshop and deal slips jobs / deals which are finished / completed.
  • NSW paperwork - update registration form C to most recent version.
Release 5.2.86 November 15, 2023 barney

Includes database changes. You need to log all terminals out during upgrade

Browse dealer units

Added a new mechanism to add icons to floor units. These icon as appear next to new/ used unit status on dealership units screen.

This can be used however you like. e.g. signal to your sales staff which units you want them to prioritise for moving

Other tweaks and fixes

  • Orderbook : add a find previous button
  • New Job screen : resize date input fields like promise date so that they are big enough to display full date inputted.
  • Browse Received orders : would throw annoying DB fetch errors for receivals where clerk code is missing; now just display no clerk result.
  • Web order freight: option to apply rules based on Australian state.  So can price freight differently for interstate, or target specific states.
  • Business Analytics Reports : Honda Opt2ma report was not updated to work with v5.1/v5.2 of c9; now fixed
  • Print & reprint receipts for AR / AP txns : new option to save as PDF; similar to save as pdf for spares sales
  • Payroll changes
    • Employment types : can now configure long service leave payout and prorata dates
    • Leave Liability report : uses above lsl settings to fine tune liability figures to separate long service into claimable LSL, lsl which needs to be paid out on resignation and LSL which employee cannot currently use at all
    • Modify staff screen : make it explicit that tax free threshold only applies for residents
Release 5.2.85 November 9, 2023 barney

This version of c9 fixes a serious issue with deposit processing and pc-eftpos / tyro integration.

Specifically anything that adds or removes additional deposit when integrated into pc-eftpos or Tyro.

Such txns will fail with a No TxnHead! error and not save the txn in c9.

The workaround is to redo txn as cash then in business -> activity rewrite the payment method as eftpos

Other tweaks:

  • Tillpay debit txn tweaks
  • unit cost formula, access asking price inclusive (askingpriceinc)
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